Cambie Corridor PLAN SUMMARY (Phase 3) Vancouver

Cambie Corridor Phase 3 Oakridge

Cambie Corridor Plan The Canada Line, and the land uses around it, play a pivotal role in Vancouver’s future. Already well-positioned in terms of amenities and services, the Cambie Corridor is a key component of a sustainable, livable city of neighbourhoods connected to convenient, viable transportation alternatives. The Cambie Corridor Plan is a framework to guide change and growth over the next 30 years in a way which meets the needs of local neighbourhoods, the City of Vancouver as a whole and the region. The Plan recognizes and builds on the distinct character and context of the Corridor’s neighbourhoods to create complete communities with places for current and future residents to live, work, shop, play and feel part of a community. The plan policies enable significant change in the Corridor over the coming decades and will, together with growth on Major Project sites, more than double the population and add over 30,000 new homes. This makes the Cambie Corridor the biggest growth area outside of Downtown. Through open houses, coffee chats, walking tours and workshops we heard from over 7,000 people during the planning process. The feedback received was integrated into land use and other policies contained in the proposed plan.

Draft plan (10 minutes) – download here.

Proposed Cambie Corridor plan can be download here.