When Will Zoning Be Updated to Reflect Minimum Allowable Densities in Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Areas?

Zoning updates to reflect the minimum allowable densities in Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) areas, as prescribed by the Province, must consider revisions to the density bonus program and rental incentives, and align with updates to the Development Cost Charge (DCC) program and the new Affordable and Community Care (ACC) program. The Province plans to release further guidance on how municipalities can apply density bonuses in fall 2024, and municipalities may continue applying current density bonus programs until June 2025.

Given this timeline, the zoning updates are expected to be completed by spring 2025, in conjunction with the Rental Incentives Program Review.

These zone updates will establish new density allocations for TOD areas, including tenure and commercial requirements. Additionally, provisions for regulating tenure through the City’s Rental Incentive Program will help ensure that housing needs are addressed in the new housing supply.


何時更新分區以反映省規定的公車導向開發 (TOD) 區域的最低允許密度?

公共交通導向開發 (TOD) 區域的分區更新必須考慮到密度獎勵計劃、租金激勵措施的修訂以及開發成本收費 (DCC) 和經濟適用住房貢獻 (ACC) 計劃的更新。該省計劃於 2024 年秋季發布有關應用密度獎金的進一步指南。

鑑於這些更新,區域修訂的目標完成日期為 **2025 年春季**,與租賃激勵計劃審查保持一致。這些更新將為 TOD 區域定義新的密度分配,包括保有權和商業要求。分區更新還可能透過租賃激勵計劃來規範保有權,以解決住房供應問題並滿足當地的住房需求。