What Is the Timeline for Implementing Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Areas?

The City of Coquitlam is required to formally designate all Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) areas through a bylaw and amend the Zoning Bylaw to eliminate residential parking minimums within TOD zones by **June 30, 2024**. Additional updates to align the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw with TOD regulations will take more time to finalize.

For updates on the implementation process and TOD area zoning, stay connected with us.


實施大眾運輸導向開發 (TOD) 區域的時間表是什麼?

高貴林市需要透過附例正式指定所有公共交通導向開發 (TOD) 區域,並修訂分區附例,以在 **2024 年 6 月 30 日**之前取消 TOD 區域內的住宅停車最低標準。使官方社群規劃 (OCP) 和分區章程與 TOD 法規保持一致的其他更新將需要更多時間才能完成。

如需了解實施流程和 TOD 區域分區的最新信息,請與我們保持聯繫。