
About Lotus Yuen

Lotus Yuen PREC (Personal Real Estate Corporation) plays a vital role at LandAssembly.ca with his expertise in valuing the current and future potential of land. He has strong ability for development land sales, and negotiation skills with developers or buyers with strong background on technology and marketing. He is a full time and Award Winning Realtor in Remax Central Realty. He is also a Top 4% Realtors in 2018 and Top 10% Realtors of Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver in 2015-2017. He is also a licensed property manager and his team can offer property manager services to his clients and investors. He is also a certified Negotiation Expert. His background can help him to make use of technologies and internet marketing to better promote his listings, and his knowledge from different aspects can serve better services and information to his clients. He also has a good relationship with mortgage brokers who can assist in buyers lending needs as well as quality contracts and handyman to help with repairs and renovation. Lotus Yuen PREC believes that Integrity, Knowledge, Communication, Trust are important keys in Business and Relationship. He has committed to provide you Exceptional and Professional Real Estate Services who can assist his client from the beginning to the end of the buying and selling process. Lotus Yuen PREC | (778) 862 8321 | LotusYuen@gmail.com

BC Provincial Housing – New legislation that will require municipalities to approve multi-unit housing on single-family lots

By |2023-11-12T11:37:59-08:00November 12th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Coquitlam, News, 中文, 高貴林|Tags: , , |

🏠 The British Columbia government has proposed a new legislation that will require municipalities to approve multi-unit housing on single-family lots, regardless of their preference.🏠 The bill will also legalize secondary suites or laneway homes in all B.C. communities.🏠 Developers will be allowed to replace a single-family home with up to six units in neighborhoods close [...]

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SOLD : Burnaby Apartment for Sale (High Density Mixed Use Zoning in Metrotown)

By |2023-12-11T21:25:34-08:00May 3rd, 2019|Categories: Blog, Burnaby|

SOLD : 204 3925 Kingsway, Burnaby Congratulation to my Sellers have their home SOLD with good return.  I helped him to purchase just few years ago, and the return is almost few times of their original price.  Happy Seller with Happy Return in few years investment.  And move on for another new project.  Thank you for [...]

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A proposed plan (Vancouver Rezoning) allow building duplex in single house area in Vancouver City

By |2018-08-29T21:01:05-07:00August 29th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Vancouver|Tags: , , , |

A proposed plan (Vancouver Rezoning) allow building duplex in single house area in Vancouver City A public hearing is coming soon to discuss for a plan to change the zoning of 99 percent of single family lots in Vancouver area.  The suggested Vancouver rezoning will permit to convert single family home to duplexes or two-family dwellings.  [...]

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Cambie Corridor PLAN SUMMARY (Phase 3) Vancouver

By |2023-12-11T21:25:37-08:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Vancouver|Tags: |

Cambie Corridor PLAN SUMMARY (Phase 3) Vancouver Cambie Corridor Plan The Canada Line, and the land uses around it, play a pivotal role in Vancouver’s future. Already well-positioned in terms of amenities and services, the Cambie Corridor is a key component of a sustainable, livable city of neighbourhoods connected to convenient, viable transportation alternatives. The Cambie [...]

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North Vancouver Official Community Plan

By |2023-12-11T21:25:37-08:00November 30th, 2017|Categories: North Vancouver, 比溫哥華|

North Vancouver Community Plan 1.0 Key Issues and Trends A Growing Community Much of the City’s land is already developed which has resulted in a slower rate of growth than in some other Metro Vancouver municipalities. Through redevelopment, the City has been growing over the past 20 years at approximately 0.8 – 1.3 percent per year [...]

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Burquitlam Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan Update : Revised Draft Plan and Servicing Assessment

By |2023-12-11T21:25:39-08:00April 1st, 2017|Categories: Blog, Coquitlam|Tags: |

Burquitlam Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan Update The Phase 3 public consultation period on the draft BLNP was held in January and February 2017. During that phase staff engaged in over 2,000 participant interactions on the draft Plan and received a large volume of feedback. Based on the written feedback received, it was noted that approximately 60% of [...]

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By |2023-12-11T21:25:39-08:00March 26th, 2017|Categories: 中文, 溫哥華, 素里|

大溫天車新線路 昨天,加拿大聯邦政府公佈了2017年的預算案,雖然巨變不多,但也有不少驚喜。其中一個就是,聯邦政府將會撥款27億加元,幫助建設BC省的公共交通。大溫哥華地區將會增加幾個新的天車站,大溫的小伙伴出行更方便了。 根據《溫哥華太陽報》的報導,在接下來的11年中,聯邦政府將撥款201億加元給加拿大全國的公共交通系統,並按照人口和乘坐數分配給各省。根據估計,BC省會分到大約27億加元,其中22億加元分給Translink公司來改進大溫哥華地區的公共交通,其餘的4.63億分給BC省其他地區的公共交通。 預算案中還列舉了幾個大型的建設項目,包括大溫地區的Broadway天車站。 溫哥華市長兼大溫地區市議員主席羅品信對撥款表示歡迎。 22億撥款主要用於兩個項目 百老匯地鐵和素里天車 聯邦預算案說明,給大溫地區公共交通的撥款主要用於兩個項目,一是溫哥華天車千禧線(MillenniumLine)百老匯站(Broadway)的天車擴建項目,二是素里市的天車 百老匯站(Broadway)的地鐵擴建項目將從VCC-Clark延伸到Arbutus Street,全長6公里,沿途設6個新的站點,每天會為15萬人提供交通便利。 素里天車項目全長27公里,沿途會設置19個站點,每天會有7萬人受益。 素里市市長Linda Hepner獲悉這項撥款以後也非常高興。她說﹐聯邦的撥款令素里天車系統計劃有了更加明確的時間表,市府打算2018年就開工。她說,大溫地區市長議會原預期聯邦政府的撥款會是20-21億元﹐現在額外的1億元是個驚喜。        

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Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan – Lougheed Neighbourhood Centre

By |2023-12-11T21:25:40-08:00February 22nd, 2017|Categories: Blog, Coquitlam|Tags: , |

Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan -Lougheed Neighbourhood Centre The information is based on ATTACHMENT 1 DRAFT - January 11, 2017 by the City of Coquitlam. The Lougheed Neighbourhood Centre is an important commercial corridor along North Road that interfaces with the Lougheed Town Centre across the street in Burnaby. Designated as a Municipal Town Centre in the Regional [...]

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Burnaby Metrotown Development Plan Update

By |2023-12-11T21:25:40-08:00February 22nd, 2017|Categories: Blog, Burnaby|Tags: |

Metrotown Downtown Plan Update The City has embarked on a planning process to update the Community Plan for Metrotown. This update process provides the opportunity to create a true downtown for Burnaby; one that enables the highest order of land use and development supported by social, recreation, entertainment, and cultural amenities important to all of Burnaby’s [...]

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Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan – Zone & Density (DRAFT)

By |2023-12-11T21:25:41-08:00February 21st, 2017|Categories: Blog, Coquitlam|Tags: , |

Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan - Zone & Density The information is based on ATTACHMENT 1 DRAFT - January 11, 2017 by the City of Coquitlam. Corresponding Zones All land in the City is assigned a zone under the City’s Zoning Bylaw (as updated from time to time). The zone on a property specifies the owner’s development right, including [...]

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Lotus Yuen
Phone: 778-862-8321
Email: LotusYuen@gmail.com
Sutton Group West Coast Realty
#102 403 North Road, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

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Medallion 2015 Lotus Yuen
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