Burquitlam Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan Update
The Phase 3 public consultation period on the draft BLNP was held in January and February 2017. During that phase staff engaged in over 2,000 participant interactions on the draft Plan and received a large volume of feedback. Based on the written feedback received, it was noted that approximately 60% of respondents are ‘Supportive’, while 20% of respondents indicated that they are ‘Opposed’ to the overall draft Plan and a further 20% are ‘Neutral’.
The new BLNP will chart a renewed course for the future of Burquitlam-Lougheed and is the City’s ‘blueprint’ for guiding growth and investment in the neighbourhood over the next 20-25 years while identifying the infrastructure, services and facilities necessary to support this growth.
Based on the level of public consensus that has developed around the proposed Plan, staff recommends proceeding with an OCP amendment bylaw, and associated supporting elements, to implement the Plan.
Next Steps
Following presenting the revised Plan and Servicing Assessment to Committee on Monday April 3, 2017staff will prepare the OCP amendment Bylaw to bring forward a finalized BLNP for Council consideration at an upcoming regular Council meeting in Spring 2017. This will be followed by a public hearing which will allow a final opportunity for public input.
At that time, the BLNP will be supported by a Servicing Assessment, proposed Development Permit Guidelines, and related CWOCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments. These additional elements will help to ensure integrated implementation of the BLNP.
Further Information
Please visit the project webpage, www.coquitlam.ca/blnp for further information on the plan update process.
We’ve produced a short YouTube video describing the draft Plan.
Thank you again for helping us shape the future of your neighbourhood and please stay tuned for updates on timing as we anticipate taking the draft plan to Council in early spring.
The Burquitlam-Lougheed Planning Team
Andrew Merrill, RPP, MCIP
Source: Message from The City of Coquitlam – Burquitlam Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan Update