Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan – Zone & Density
The information is based on ATTACHMENT 1 DRAFT – January 11, 2017 by the City of Coquitlam.
Corresponding Zones
All land in the City is assigned a zone under the City’s Zoning Bylaw (as updated from time to time). The zone on a property specifies the owner’s development right, including permitted uses, the dimensional requirements for lots, the height of buildings, setbacks from property boundaries. The zone also sets out the maximum floor area density on a property.
Comprehensive Development (CD) Zones
a) The use of Comprehensive Development (CD) zones may be considered in any Land Use Designation based on the following criteria:
i. Large site over 2.5 hectares (6.2 acres) that includes multiple buildings and/or uses;
ii. Small sites with significant constraints;
iii. Multiple phases;
iv. Multiple uses, tenures and ownerships (i.e. multiple stratas and/or airspace parcels);
v. Significant public amenity and/or community benefit;
vi. Significant housing affordability component; and/or,
vii. Complicated or unique servicing, public amenity, and design schemes that require variances, incentives and innovative approaches.
Other Coquitlam Land Assembly Blogs or News
- 620 SMITH AVENUE Coquitlam – Burquitlam Land Assembly Opportunities
- BC Provincial Housing – New legislation that will require municipalities to approve multi-unit housing on single-family lots
- Burquitlam Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan Update : Revised Draft Plan and Servicing Assessment
- Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan – Lougheed Neighbourhood Centre
- Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan – Zone & Density (DRAFT)
- Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan – General (DRAFT – January 11, 2017)
- Burquitlam and Lougheed neighbourhood plan
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