What are Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Areas?

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) areas are strategically located within 800 meters of a rapid-transit station, such as a SkyTrain station, and within 400 meters of a bus exchange or West Coast Express station. These public transit-friendly zones promote easy access to high-frequency transit systems, supporting sustainable urban growth, reducing traffic congestion, and enhancing property values. Understanding TOD zones is essential for real estate development, land assembly, and maximizing the benefits of proximity to major transit hubs like Coquitlam Central Station and other key locations.


什麼是公共交通導向開發 (TOD) 區域?

公車導向開發 (TOD) 區域策略性地位於距離快速交通站(例如輕軌車站)800 公尺範圍內,以及距離巴士轉乘站或西海岸快車站 400 公尺範圍內。這些公共交通友善區域促進了高頻交通系統的便捷通達,支持永續的城市發展,減少交通擁堵,並提高房地產價值。了解 TOD 區域對於房地產開發、土地整合以及最大限度地發揮靠近高貴林中央車站和其他關鍵地點等主要交通樞紐的優勢至關重要。