Cambie Corridor Planning Program

The Cambie Corridor Plan was approved in 2011 and wrapped up the first two phases of the planning program. It set the vision for key properties along major streets and provided a broad strategy for public benefits and spaces, and neighbourhood energy opportunities.

The Cambie Corridor Planning program guides long-term growth in areas along Cambie Street and its surrounding neighbourhoods.

The 19-km line connects residents to jobs, amenities, and services throughout the Corridor and city, linking the area to downtown Vancouver, Richmond, Vancouver International Airport, and to other east-west transit services.

We’re working on Phase 3

Phase 3 is about providing more housing options for a diverse, growing population and guiding the integration of community amenities and public spaces. Our focus will be to:

  • Explore more ground-oriented housing options (like townhomes and rowhomes) in the surrounding areas off major streets
  • Provide appropriate transitions between apartment areas on major streets and surrounding single-family neighbourhoods
  • Coordinate community amenities and the design of public spaces

Learn about Phase 3 in the details tab and past phases in the background tab.

Cambie Corridor Plan (17.63 MB)

Learn about programs for long-term growth in areas along Cambie Street and its adjacent neighbourhoods.

View the Spring Expo information displays (15.38 MB)

Learn more about the planning ideas presented at the June 2 & 4 Spring Expo.

Vancouver Land Assembly by

Source: Vancouver City