Do Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) Allowances Apply in Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Areas?
No, the City is not obligated to allow Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH), such as developments with 3 to 6 units per lot, on properties located within Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) areas. However, zoning changes may still occur directly or indirectly as part of the implementation of SSMUH initiatives.
**小型多單元住房 (SSMUH) 補貼是否適用於公共交通導向開發 (TOD) 區域?
不可以,紐約市沒有義務允許在公共交通導向開發 (TOD) 區域內的房產上建造小型多單元住房 (SSMUH),例如每塊地塊有 3 至 6 個單元的開發項目。然而,作為 SSMUH 措施實施的一部分,分區變更仍可能直接或間接發生。